
I lead the Mobile Autonomy, Perception and Sensing (MAPS) Lab. I am fortunate to work or have worked with the following members:

PhD Students

Master by Research Students

  • Xiangyu Wen. Fall 2023 - present


  • Kaiwen Cai. PhD, 2020-2024. Now: Li Auto Inc.
  • Lawrence Zhu. BSc. w. Distinction, 2023-2024. Now: Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • Ivan Zhong. BSc. w. Distinction, 2022-2023. Now: U of Cambridge.
  • Zhijun Pan. BSc. w. Distinction, 2022-2023. Now: Royal College of Art.
  • Zhen Luo. MSc (Research), 2022-2023. Now: SUSTech.
  • Qiyue Xia(F). MSc (Research) w. Distinction, 2021-2022. Now: U of Edinburgh